"I was fortunate indeed to have worked with a fantastic team on the
design and implementation of the concurrency features added to the Java platform
in Java 5.0 and Java 6. Now this same team provides the best explanation yet of
these new features, and of concurrency in general. Concurrency is no longer a
subject for advanced users only. Every Java developer should read this book."
--Martin Buchholz
JDK Concurrency Czar, Sun Microsystems
"For the past 30 years, computer performance has been driven by Moore's
Law; from now on, it will be driven by Amdahl's Law. Writing code that
effectively exploits multiple processors can be very challenging. Java
Concurrency in Practice provides you with the concepts and techniques
needed to write safe and scalable Java programs for today's--and
--Doron Rajwan
Research Scientist, Intel Corp
"This book covers a very deep and subtle topic in a very clear and concise
way, making it the perfect Java Concurrency reference manual. Each page is
filled with the problems (and solutions!) that programmers struggle with every
day. Effectively exploiting concurrency is becoming more and more important now
that Moore's Law is delivering more cores but not faster cores, and this book
will show you how to do it."
--Dr. Cliff Click
Senior Software Engineer, Azul Systems